Remembering PFC Eric Currier ~ NH Hero

Today we remember PFC Eric Currier – KIA on 2/17/10 in Afghanistan.  May God be with his family and friends, especially today.  Their lives have been changed forever – grief never goes away.  May you find comfort in memories that you have of Eric and all the time you spent with him.

Eris was an avid sportsman – which included bow hunting, archery, as well as several outdoor activities such as, hockey, snowboarding, wakebording, water skiing and fishing.  Eric was a mentor to all and best friend to everyone.  He was loved by all he met wearing his heart on his sleeve.  Helping people came easy to him. In 2009 Eric joined the Marines after seeing what happened on Sept. 11, 2001.  Eric knew what he had to do.  He earned the High Shooter Award for his Platoon and was a very Proud Marine.

 From Gram

I went to the beach walked down to the water in hopes to find you but you weren’t there I looked and looked But I couldn’t find you So I sat and prayed hoping you hear me I want you to know I love you and I miss you. My boy you will always be with us and because of you our lives were so much brighter you brought so much love and laughter to us. You make us so proud to be called Gram and Grandpa Rest in peace my boy. Love Gram

From his sister, Marlayna

I wish you & I could go fishing one more time, I remember complaining that the sun was too hot but damn I would battle a million suns to get those moments back. I would do anything just to see mom smile like she did when you were here, God didn’t realize that when he took you,

he took all of our hearts with him as well. You’re my best friend Eric, always. I will never forget you, & MANY years from now when I’m looking into the eyes of my children I will tell them about their wonderful uncle & how much they would have loved you. I would kill to have you here, I feel like every day just isn’t and never will be the same without you. I love you; I will see you on the other side… Bait those fishing poles & wax those snow boards; we have ALOT of catching up to do, & more to come. Rest in peace, ♥

From Bob Hamilton, Eric’s friend

Eric I went down to the pier in Holly Ridge where you and Kayla’s initials were carved in the wood. This is the third time I went and re-carved them so they won’t fade. I don’t want the memory of you to fade. You were one of the most honest trustworthy person to come into my life. When I got shot I thought about you. Why did I make it when I’m not that great of a guy but you don’t make it and your way better of a man than I was? I don’t want to talk bad about myself but in a way I wanted to be more like you. I visited LANDING ZONE CURRIER in Afghanistan. I stood where you stood when those nasty evil Taliban shot you. I stuck my hand in the sand and I just felt you. I know you’re in Heaven and you probably watched over me and that why I survived my gunshot wounds. I have been told over and over it’s a miracle that I’m alive. I just miss you man. Don’t worry I won’t let anyone forget about you. I promise.