Remembering and Honoring LCpl “PJ” Sora ~ NH Hero

Remembering and honoring LCpl “PJ” Sora – Killed 5-4-04

Following is from his dad, Peter:

“PJ was a LCPL in the Marine Corps, and was tragically killed in a HUMVEE roll over at 29 Palms, California, while preparing for deployment to Iraq with his weapons company.
I not sure most Americans are aware of how many of our service members are killed each year as a result of training exercises or non hostile circumstances. I do know this… PJ was an exemplary Marine who had many options in life, but chose the Marine Corps, and volunteered for assignment to a weapons company 3/5 that was headed to Fallujah in the fall of 2004. Even though he never made it to Iraq, he gave his life at age 19 in the battle against terrorism just as surely as if Osama Bin Laden had shot him.
I miss him beyond words, and I promise him each week when I visit his gravesite (NH Vets Cemetery), that I will keep his memory alive as best I can.”

PJ loved all types of music. He was captain of the Londonderry High Wrestling Team. He was also a 1st degree Black Belt. Despite showing toughness as a wrestler and a Marine, he was a pensive and sensitive young man who loved his young nephews and nieces.

This is from his sister, Melissa “I am so grateful for the years we had, your wisdom, kindness, generous sole, the hero you were and so much more. Miss you every day PJ. So grateful for being blessed with you and to have you as my brother. Thank you for letting me know you are near through my kid’s eyes and actions every day. You are always with us! Love you!!

To remember is to honor….


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