Remembering SSGT Edmond Lo ~ NH Hero

Remembering SSGT Edmond Lo – KIA on June 13, 2009 – He was killed when an improvised explosive device he was acting to neutralize detonated in Samarra City, Iraq.
He was assigned to the 797th Ordnance Company, 79th Ordnance Battalion, Ft Hood, TX

Edmond grew up in Salem, NH and graduated from Salem High School in 2004. Although he was quiet, he had a wonderful sense of humor and was an extremely kind-hearted and sincere person. His many hobbies included playing on his computer, teaching himself how to play piano and guitar, origami, and puzzles.

He was a member of the Air Force JROTC program and was the operations squadron, color guard commander and a drill team commander. He was on the first drill team from Salem High to compete in the National Drill Team Championship and the team earned second place. He loved learning and was always willing to help tutor students. He was a talented musician and played several instruments. After graduation, he turned down scholarships to colleges so he could pursue his passion of serving our country.

He was well liked and people were drawn to him because of his personality, commitment and loyalty. He was a leader who was respected by many and will be greatly missed. His death let a void in the hearts of his parents, 3 sisters, 2 brothers, niece, and nephew.


Remembering SGT Russell M. Durgin ~ NH Hero

Remembering SGT Russell M. Durgin, HHC Co., 1st Battalion, 1-32 Infantry, Task Force Spartan, 10th Mtn Div
Born 7-2-1982 Concord
KIA 6-13-2006 Afghanistan, Operation Enduring Freedom

Jean, his mom, shared the following with many a few years ago….

“My son, Russell M Durgin, “Russ” enlisted in the US Army Reserves at the age of 17 while a junior in high school. He received training at Ft Leonard Wood, Missouri then returned to his senior year at John Stark Regional High School. On Sept 11, 2001, he was activated and served as an MP at Ft Devons, MA. After 2 months, he decided to re-enlist in full-time Army and was sent to
Ft Benning, Georgia for infantry training. He was sent to the DMZ Korea 2002 and served a year. Upon return to the US, he reported to Ft Drum, NH and within 2 weeks was enroute to Iraq. After a year of intense service, losing friends and experiencing near death experiences, he returned home. He was assigned to the Snipers and Scouts unit and trained in California, Ft Bragg and Montana. He deployed to Afghanistan in March 2006 as a sniper leader. On June 13th, while under attack, Russ diverted fire from his men. It was there that he lost his life.

He left a fiancée, parents, his twin, brothers, a sister, nieces, friends and community to grieve the loss of a wonderful young man. Although we are all proud of his six years of service to us, America, we miss him greatly. Many testimonials were spoken from his men and from his leaders. Lt Col Chris Cavoli, 1-32 Commander said of Russ “Sgt Durgin lived the Warrior Ethos, he never quit and he always put the mission first, in what is probably the most difficult part of our area, he routinely performed acts of bravery while hunting down the enemy. He fought like a tiger and died like a man.”

Sgt Major Jimmy Carabello said “there are American Soldiers still alive in the Chosin Battalion because of his bravery and heroism on the battlefield in the Korengal Valley, there should be a picture of Sgt Durgin to the NCO Creed.”

Never forget….To Remember is to Honor