Remembering Cadet Todd Heuchling ~ NH Hero

Remembering Cadet Todd Heuchling –

Peter Todd Heuchling, better known as Todd was born in Dover, NH, and lived his entire life at his home on Adams Circle, Durham, NH, with his older brother, Rob, a Naval Reserve officer; his father, Bob, a retired Delta Air Lines captain and presently a high school coach and teacher; and his mother, Sally, a teacher, active volunteer and dedicated mom who now works with special education students at the local middle school.

Todd’s early childhood was very typical of a boy growing up in a small New Hampshire town. He enjoyed the woods, riding bikes, and playing sports with his friends. He was an average athlete as a young boy, although as he emerged from his preteen years, Todd experienced a metamorphosis. He rapidly grew taller and stronger and began to excel at every sport he attempted. By his sophomore year in high school, he was playing varsity soccer, hockey, and tennis. By the end of his senior year, his soccer team had won two state titles, and he was selected as Most Valuable Player in the state championship game by the coaches. His hockey team was always competitive but did not enjoy as much success. Nonetheless, he was awarded “Best Defenseman” his senior year.
As a gesture of respect and admiration for Todd, Oyster River High School has since retired his #18 hockey jersey. Todd also captained the tennis team and took it to the state finals, where the team lost by a single match.

As Todd began to mature physically, he also soared academically. He particularly enjoyed history, science, and writing for the school newspaper. At this time, he also began showing an interest in attending West Point. He read all the material he could find on the latest military hardware, tactics, and training. After his first visit to West Point, he realized this was to be his destiny and gaining admission became his top priority. He would probably feel it was the greatest accomplishment in his life.

In spite of the typical struggles as a plebe, he still managed to do well academically and militarily his first year. He was singled out as one of the top plebes in his class by the end of the first semester. He also helped coach the local girls’ under-14 soccer team, and he was a member of the Company D-4 Sandhurst Military Competition Skills Team.
At Camp Buckner he excelled by earning his Recondo badge. His fellow cadets at Buckner said you could always find Todd up among the leaders, but he was ever mindful to take care of his friends behind him. He always enjoyed running, but it was while at the Academy he took his running skills to a new level. He was invited to try out for the marathon team, since he was winning all the competitive company races.

It was hot and humid on the afternoon of 21 Aug 2003, the day that was to become the saddest day of our lives. It was the final day of tryouts for the marathon team, and Todd was not to be denied. Todd had an incredible ability to focus on a goal and put everything else out of his mind. At the end of the eight mile competition, Todd was running with the leaders when, less than 100 yards from the finish line, he collapsed and succumbed to heat stroke. He could not be revived.

Todd was laid to rest five days later in the Durham Town Cemetery. His body was accompanied by Commandant of Cadets BG Leo Brooks, 80 West Point cadets, and 500 family members and friends.

In his honor, a scholarship fund( Todd’s Trot) in his name has been established and will award $5,000 annually to a senior at Oyster River High School. An annual award also has been established and endowed to recognize an outstanding West Point team member.

His headstone reads:
Peter Todd Heuchling, Cadet,
USMA, Class of 2006,
Beloved son, brother, friend
and a good soldier.

His friends, bothers, parents, and fellow soldiers and classmates will forever remember him fondly.


Remembering SPC Justin Pellerin ~ NH Hero

Remembering SPC Justin Pellerin – KIA August 20, 2009 in Afghanistan.  He was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division at Ft Drum, NY.  He joined the Army in 2007 and was serving as an Infantryman.

Justin graduated from Concord High School and had an interest in the military.  He joined the Army in 2007.  He left for a tour of duty to Afghanistan in January 2009 and he was to return the following December.  Justin married Chelsey, his high school sweetheart and “the love of his life” in July 2008.  The couple planned to move to New York upon his return in December 2009.  Josh Bisson, friend and best man at his wedding, described Justin as a funny man who loved American muscle cars and had decided to join the military in hopes of “doing something good” for other people.  “He’d give the shirt off his back for anyone,” Bisson said.  “Everyone he met he was friends with.  He had no rough edges, everybody loved him.”

Justin was very outgoing and fun loving and enjoyed spending time with his family playing games, bowling, and singing karaoke.  He also loved to explore the outdoors, fishing, and playing golf.  He had a passion for music, electronics and cars.

Louis Chouinard, Justin’s grandfather, said the young soldier “had it in his mind that he wanted to make a difference, so that’s why he did what he did.”  “He was just a great kid.”

Justin always took pride in what he did.  Chelsey remembers his excitement in receiving the Combat Infantryman Badge, getting promoted to the rank of Specialist, and becoming a team leader within his unit.

Though he took his service seriously, he was still his usual lighthearted self and he managed to keep a sense of humor in Afghanistan.  For Chelsey, his influence will always live on through changes he inspired in her.  With him, she learned “to be myself, to be strong, to respect myself,” she said.  “We always said, “I love you” and “be safe” and we never said “goodbye”.  “To love and be loved is the greatest gift a heart can know.  I feel so lucky to have Justin to love.”

Remembering Master Sgt Jared Van Aalst

Remembering Master Sgt Jared Van Aalst, KIA on August 4, 2006 during combat operations in Kunduz Province, Afghanistan. To remember is to honor.

Following is from his mother, Nancy:

Jared entered the world on September 1st, (Labor Day) 1975.It was a labor of love. He arrived weighing 10lbs 9ozs. He was my biggest baby! He has proven himself to be one of the biggest men I have ever known or will ever know.

Jared was a real active child. He spent his young years as one of the police officers on “Chips” that television show. He rode his tricycle like a mad man. As he grew, he became an avid skate boarder, hiker, dirt-biker, skier and everything else that was a challenge for him. He actually skied the head wall at Tuckerman’s Ravine. He spent a lot of time hiking the trails of Mount Washington. We referred to him as our Sherpa boy. I knew I was in trouble when he got this big off road dirt bike. When he was in high –school he got his Chevy S10 pickup stuck on a sand bar in the Pemi. river. He was able to round up some friends and get it out. He took it to the automotive dept at PHS and that truck still ran!! Prior to going into the army, Jared took an interest in sky diving.

During Jared’s time spent at PHS, he became friends with Eric Vanek. He began to focus on his studies, sports and more important things. Jared went on to become captain of his wrestling team and a shared captain of the football team. His grades greatly improved and he took some advanced courses and graduated with honors. Jared and Eric formed a great bond that stayed with them long after school was over. After graduation from high school, Jared wanted to go to Venezuela as an exchange student. He had taken four years of Spanish in school and wanted to experience the culture. He was there for ten months. It was a wonderful experience.

Upon Jared’s return to the U.S., he applied for and was accepted at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. There he became involved in ROTC. After one year there, he decided he was going to become an Army Ranger. First he applied for and was accepted at West Point Academy. Due to the fact that a high school student-Doug DeCenzo had already been accepted from our Grafton County, Jared would have to wait a year. Well those of us that knew Jared knew he was not going to wait when he was on a mission. He enlisted as an Army grunt and fulfilled his dream. We had the honor to be at Hurley Hill when he graduated as a Ranger. His dad and I were able to pin his wings and Ranger tab. Our great sorrow was learning that Doug DeCenzo was killed by a car bomb in Iraq.

One last note. When Jared was killed, Eric Vanek came with the casualty assistance officer to inform us of Jared’s death. He is and always was one of the greatest blessings to Jared and our family. He was like a brother to Jared and we still think of him as family. He is a good NH boy and a proud member of the US Army. He spent several days with us and he was very comforting to us in our most extreme time of sorrow.

There is so much to say about Jared. He could sew, cook, and make lanyards for duck calls. He was an avid hunter, loved great wine, and had so many great friends. He was most generous to his family and friends.
He had met the love of his life, his widow Katie. She continues to respect his ideas and values. He left three beautiful children-Kaylie (9), Ava (3), and Hugh Jared, (1). He was a true warrior in every sense of the word. One of the best men I have ever known. He is a very highly decorated soldier and all of this information is available on line.

Thank you ever so much for honoring my son. Warm regards,
