Remembering SSGT Edmond Lo ~ NH Hero

Remembering SSGT Edmond Lo – KIA on June 13, 2009 – He was killed when an improvised explosive device he was acting to neutralize detonated in Samarra City, Iraq.
He was assigned to the 797th Ordnance Company, 79th Ordnance Battalion, Ft Hood, TX

Edmond grew up in Salem, NH and graduated from Salem High School in 2004. Although he was quiet, he had a wonderful sense of humor and was an extremely kind-hearted and sincere person. His many hobbies included playing on his computer, teaching himself how to play piano and guitar, origami, and puzzles.

He was a member of the Air Force JROTC program and was the operations squadron, color guard commander and a drill team commander. He was on the first drill team from Salem High to compete in the National Drill Team Championship and the team earned second place. He loved learning and was always willing to help tutor students. He was a talented musician and played several instruments. After graduation, he turned down scholarships to colleges so he could pursue his passion of serving our country.

He was well liked and people were drawn to him because of his personality, commitment and loyalty. He was a leader who was respected by many and will be greatly missed. His death let a void in the hearts of his parents, 3 sisters, 2 brothers, niece, and nephew.


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